If the Assessor's Office reappraises your property due to a change in ownership or new construction, you will be notified by mail of the new assessed value. This notification is known as a 'Notice of Supplemental Assessment.' The reappraisal may also result in the issuance of a supplemental tax bill (and sometimes more than one bill) if there was an increase in value, or it may result in the issuance of a refund check if there was a decrease in value.

It is important to understand that supplemental tax bills are in addition to the regular annual tax bill and are mailed directly to the owner of the property. These bills are the responsibility of the owner even if the property taxes are normally paid by a lender through an impound account. You may need to discuss the matter carefully with your lender. In any case, do not presume that your lender will automatically pay these types of bills. If you need additional information please feel free to contact our office at (530) 233-6218.